Our Services
Automotive Services
Repairs, Maintenance and Replacement.
Complete Aluminium Team take pride in their repairs, maintenance and replacement projects, restoring your products to an exceptional standard. Our specialist accredited engineers are able to carry out a full survey of existing glazing facades on buildings to identify any issues moving forward.
We can deliver full services to windows, doors and curtain walling and ensure water tightness, ease of moving parts and general health and quality checks. Any visit will be supported by a full site report, identifying any recommendations to keep your products in excellent working order. We offer UK Specialists in Schuco E Slide and automatic doors.
There is also the option of replacing windows and doors which are beyond repair with new products by installing them into existing facades while also guaranteeing the performance of both old and new systems. The options are totally bespoke and designed to meet everyone individual requirements.
As an accredited SafeContractor you know your property is in good hands.
Please contact our Team today for more details.

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